Friday, December 29, 2006

The Best Christmas Memory Ever.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

The All Star Smile

Picture the best kind of pleasure. Now, consider that could be your dentist. Recently I went to All Star Smiles in Bolingbrook, IL, and there they treat you with spa treatments as well as work on your dental. I know it sounds weird, but I think it is a pretty cool concept. The dentist was sick and tired of having people be afraid of going to him, so he reached out to make them comfertable. With limo services and high profile clients, he's doing quite well for a 3 month alive company. I'm editing the segment for, so look for it soon. This week we are featuring the best of the year (even though we are 3 months old too!)
I would like a massage with my check-up too.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

User Friendly Advertising

What happens when we allow other people to take the product advertising and make it their own? Recently I was using Office Max's newest advertising campaign which allowed users to play with various games and make sweaters, shake snowglobes, and turn your picture into a dancing elf. Another game was chiselling a piece of ice to make a sculpture. I tried my best at making something, but alas, the most I made was a puddle of water. I browsed the other sculptures and found someone had made a Nazi sign. This makes me wonder about the advertising aspect of allowing your viewers to manipulate and post your content, furthermore I found within the same day other signs of user targeted marketing,

Both sex and drugs are used in identifying with the product consumer. It's a wonder why the number "69" is used for the Navy banner, and why is a "420" reference used in a new Zipcar banner. I'm enjoying the turn of events with the advertising, but with the new user based gallery of manipulated advertising, brands have to watch out what the consumer might think of their product and it's associations.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Thin Web Line

Recently I've been travelling abroad and haven't been posting. I know - I'm not the biggest star on, and I've looked at all the other Turnhere Blogs, and they haven't been up to date as well - so I thought that I would start to write on a single topic each week ( and we'll see if I can keep up with it )

This week is Internet Marketing in the Viral Video world.

I've been lucky enough to sit in on some meetings with some great companies who are still trying to figure out how to push marketing in the world of viral video. In one discussion, the client revealed that a study was taken that examines the audience's trust factor in a company's portrayal of a marketing "blog".
There is a very thin line of trust that is crossed when a consumer realizes that the "blog" he/she is reading is infact an advertising method. Let's say that the corperation is selling a fishtank. The fishtank company starts a blog and writes about how good the fishtank is to the consumer. Now let's also say that upon investigation the consumer finds an acutal blog of an employee of the fishtank company. The consumer will believe the real blog, moreso than the corperations "blog". This makes alot of sense, does it not?

Companies all over are trying to figure out how to incorperate blogging and viral video into their marketing.

Mentos and Coke. You might know the video; a roll of Mentos is poured into a bottle of Coke, and the result is a large amount of Coke shooting out of the bottle. This is a prime example of what could have been a marketing experiment. Upon the placement of this video on and other viral sites, the amount of Coke and Mentos slightly increased in sales.
How could a company do this with all of their products?

With the control of, and such other sites, we are now beginning to discover what turns on and off consumers to viral video. How can companies intergrate their product with videos to make us unknowingly want to obtain that product.

THAT is what the companies are trying to figure out =- and you know what... They have no clue how to yet.

Look at the hits on the most recent Youtube features. Ever since the corperation buy-out at 1.65 billion dollars, the site has become more of an advertising tool. In the past a featured video would have over 100 thousand hits, but now we are starting to see postings of featured videos with only hundreds of hits. The audience is understanding that this is starting to become an ad tool, instead of user-friendly media. generates a wonderful amount of traffic, and the business model of this site lends itself to become a marketing tool for companies flawlessly. Users watch the advertising shorts the same way they watch the filmmaker shorts. This model is perfect for the user, we know what is a commercial, and we'll still choose to watch it, because it will benifit us.

It is those other sites that are now owned by numerous companies who are deciding what they should feature to the world. Now ad a hint of marketing and advertising, and the consumer starts questioning.

When will they figure it out, and will we ever be able to tell when it happens. That's the scary part.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Holidays.

Soon I'll be amidst all the travellers in the United States of America. Just getting the potential presents for my family gave me an anxiety attack. I had to focus on a magazine with a picture of Amy Sedaris screaming at the camera just to calm down. Too many people shop way to late.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Gazing and Glazing.

So this is the newest version of my art, after drawing the piece, I've now decided to use fingernail polish (I'm still testing it out) over the faces, giving them a subtle glow and gloss, It's really nice and is making the pen strokes darker and nicer to look at.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Youtube 100th Video LIVE

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It's done -

Today I hit a million mark. Nice.